• A Little To The Left Vinyl Soundtrack

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$ 31.99
  • Soundtrack on Tidy Taupe Vinyl
  • Clever ‘Tidy Diecut Jacket’
  • Music by Justin Karas
  • Album Art by Paul G. Hammond

And now, we present our tribute to tidying.

An ode to organization.

A sonnet of sorting.

At iam8bit, we love a good mess as much as anybody, but let’s face it: There’s something so satisfying about a hard-earned clean-up.

No one knows this better than the friendly folks at Max Inferno. Their debut title, A Little to the Left (published by our pals at Secret Mode), is a cozy & warm puzzle game that asks players to arrange everyday household objects to be just a little more pleasing to the eye.

This experience is made all the more cozy & warm in the company of its melodious soundtrack, by maestro Justin Karas. Playful, bright, and sometimes even mischievous, the music of A Little to the Left instantly transports you to a place of calm and empowered focus.

It’s soothing melodic magic, featuring eight lengthy and whimsical tracks presented on tidy taupe vinyl. And of course, it wouldn’t be complete without a little tactile flair reminiscent of the game! That’s why we collaborated with album artist Paul G. Hammond to create this uniquely interactive ‘Tidy Diecut Jacket,’ featuring an inner sleeve with both tidy and untidy display options.

Grab your broom, open a window, spin this record, and turn what once seemed like chores into recurring moments of triumph. All while humming along, of course.



© 2023 Max Inferno Studio Inc. All rights reserved. A Little to the Left is published and distributed by Secret Mode Limited. Secret Mode Limited is a subsidiary of Sumo Group Limited.


[Side A]


Home Sweet Home

Lost Recipe

Nitty Gritty


[Side B]

Inner Nature

Near Earth Organizer 

Radial Dance Party



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