What happens if the tracking on my order has stalled in transit or my order doesn't arrive?
Missing or lost orders must be reported within 60 days of the last tracking update. iam8bit will not be responsible for losses first reported beyond the 60 day time frame.
For Domestic Orders, we ask that you wait 7 days from the last tracking update to report Domestic shipments, and 20 days for International shipments, as it is quite common for packages to resume tracking or be delivered within this timeframe.
In the event that your order appears to have stalled in transit, iam8bit will submit an inquiry with the carrier on your behalf, as soon as you notify us of the issue. It generally takes 2 weeks from the point of submission for the carrier to forward a verdict of its findings to us, at which point, we will communicate back to you with this info.
If you have Purchased Route Protect and are looking to file a shipping issue online? File here
You must submit a Route Claim no sooner than 7 days after the last tracking update for Domestic shipments or 20 days for International shipments, and within 30 days from the last update.