• Ori and the Will of the Wisps 2xLP

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$ 42.99
  • 2xLP 180-gram Black Audiophile Vinyl
  • Foil Embellished Wide Spine Jacket
  • Includes Full Digital Download + Extended Soundtrack (60 tracks!)
  • Music by Gareth Coker
  • Album Art by Erin Vest


Few tales are as emotionally resonant as the story of Ori, so it’s with great glee that we welcomed Moon Studios much anticipated continuation, Ori and the Will of the Wisps.  Composer Gareth Coker evolves Ori’s aural journey with both majesty and nuance, paying great care to the vulnerability and wonder of where we last left this character. Emboldened by beautiful album art by Erin Vest, this is a strong, elegant and absolutely all-encompassing soundtrack that will act as your own personal guardian spirit.

Main Theme
We Named Her Ku
Ku’s First Flight
Separated by the Storm
A Shine Upon Inkwater Marsh
Dashing and Bashing
Sanctuary in the Glades
The Ancient Wellspring
Escaping A Foul Presence
Fading of the Light
Wonderment of Winter
Escape with the Memory of the Forest
Shadows of Mouldwood
Mora the Spider
Luma Pools
Kwolok's Malaise
The Windswept Wastes
Escaping the Sandworm
The Weeping Ridge
The Spirit Willow
Shriek and Ori (excerpt)
Ori Embracing the Light

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