• Ultrakill Volume 1: Infinite Hyperdeath 3xLP

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$ 69.99

Shipping Q4 2025

  • 3xLP on iam8bit Exclusive Clear Blood Splatter Vinyl 
  • The Badass Original Soundtrack Comes To Vinyl For the First Time
  • Music by Heaven Pierce Her
  • Album Art by Francis Xie


Shipping Q4 2025


Mankind is dead, blood is fuel, hell is full, and breakcore owns. These are the pillars on which smash hit indie shooter Ultrakill was forged. 

A New Blood Interactive joint, developed by the enigmatic Hakita, Ultrakill drips with gore, guts, and style. It fuses ultraviolent old-school FPS action with the speed and sophistication of modern character action games to create an experience all its own. 

Likewise, its music is the product of a beautiful, unholy union of influences. Hakita, by way of the rock/metal project Heaven Pierce Her, has crafted a distinctly gnarly soundscape that pairs MIDI-powered foundations with heavenly instrumentations and, of course, the ubiquitous Amen break

It rules, it slaps, and, in iam8bit’s humble opinion, it needs to be on vinyl. So we made it so. 

This is Ultrakill Soundtrack Volume 1: Infinite Hyperdeath 3xLP. On its three stunning Clear Blood Splatter vinyl discs, you’ll find the music of Ultrakill’s Act 1, a phantasmagoric audio journey sure to take you to the heights of heaven above and the bowels of hell below. 

Speaking of phantasmagoric, we worked with New Blood Interactive’s own Francis Xie to create album art that was appropriately striking and splendid. 

You’re gonna want to spin this one again and again.  




© New Blood Interactive


[Side A]

The Fire is Gone (for Piano, Saxophone and Trumpet)

Into the Fire

Unstoppable Force



[Side B]

A Thousand Greetings

A Shattered Illusion

A Complete and Utter Destruction of the Senses

Sanctuary in the Garden of the Mind

Castle Vein


[Side C]

Debussy: Clair de Lune


Cold Winds


Panic Betrayer


[Side D]

In the Presence of a King



Bach: BWV 639 "I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ"

Divine Intervention

Disgrace. Humiliation.


[Side E]

Take Care

Meganeko - The Cyber Grind

The Fire Is Gone (for Music Box)


[Side F]

The Spinal Staircase



Sunshine (Mirage)


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