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The week before True Detective’s first season premiered, over 300 unsuspecting journalists and tastemakers received a conspicuous package in the mail. Its contents were intentionally vague — a hand-crafted twig sculpture creepily referred to as a “Devil’s Net,” carefully packed inside a tattered Louisiana State Police evidence box, weathered, as if stashed in a storage closet since 1995 and taped shut, the recipient’s name was sloppily written in Sharpie on its lid.
These weren’t mass-manufactured mailers, though. Rather, they were thoughtfully created and delicately hand-crafted. An elite crew of talented artisans toiled for weeks to make the voodoo-esque sculptures, ensuring that no two were identical, but each exuded the vibe and feel of the show’s eery nature. Their uniquely hand touched quailty only lent to their macabre nature, an assembly made even more unsettling by the materials used in their construction: found wood, clay, dirt, cloth and — *gulp* — pig’s gut.
The overall package served as a foreboding reminder that the best new show on television was about to debut, highlighted most exceptionally by this tastemaker mailer’s 8 Million+ social media impressions (via Twitter).