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  • Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit (PlayStation Exclusive Edition)

    $ 34.99
    ....................................... Shipping Begins June 20th, 2025.......................................   We at iam8bit don’t need to tell you what you already know: The extended world of Five Nights at Freddy’s has taken on...
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    Outer Wilds: Archaeologist’s Edition (PlayStation 5 Retail)

    $ 39.99
      Outer Wilds is nothing short of a transcendent experience. The story of a solar system trapped in an ever-repeating time loop, Mobius Digital’s debut title tasks players with piecing...
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    SCHiM (PlayStation 5 iam8bit Exclusive Edition)

    $ 39.99
      Remember leaping from shadow to shadow on lazy childhood summer days, pretending that anything the light touches was lava? The little games we made up as kids to while...
  • Cocoon (iam8bit Collector’s Edition)

    $ 74.99
      Cocoon is nothing short of a masterclass of game design, a mind-bending adventure set across worlds within worlds that challenges the player to think both laterally and creatively. Designer...
  • The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe (iam8bit Collector's Edition)

    $ 74.99
      Stanley clicked the link. As a long time appreciator of fine, premium tangible goods, he was a frequent visitor of the iam8bit web store. He loved to soak in...
  • Outer Wilds: Collector's Edition

    $ 99.99
      Outer Wilds is nothing short of a transcendent experience. The story of a solar system trapped in an ever-repeating time loop, Mobius Digital’s debut title tasks players with piecing...
  • Sea of Stars (PlayStation Exclusive Edition)

    $ 44.99
    Sabotage Studio has made a reputation of blending retro aesthetics with modern game design methods to create new, wholly original experiences like The Messenger — something we here at iam8bit absolutely...
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    TOEM (PlayStation 5 Physical Edition)

    $ 34.99
    Who doesn’t love a little photo tour?  Developer Something We Made’s pictorial adventure, TOEM, is an expedition across a world populated by folks with all sorts of quirky problems ripe...
  • Cozy Grove (Nintendo Switch Exclusive Edition)

    From $ 34.99
    Cozy Grove isn’t just a peaceful game. It’s a game about building peace. Each day, you wander the haunted forest, uncovering secrets and doing favors for your spectral neighbors to...
  • Behind The Frame (Playstation 4 Exclusive Edition)

    $ 29.99
    Starting a great work of art is tough enough, but finishing it? That’s the real challenge — and this notion lies at the heart of developer Silver Lining Studio’s Behind...
  • Stray (PlayStation) - iam8bit Exclusive Edition

    $ 34.99
      When developer BlueTwelve Studios dubbed their cyberpunk adventure game, Stray, they were gesturing towards something deeper than feline wordplay. To “stray” is to get lost, to wander from the...
  • Psychonauts 2 Collector's Edition

    $ 129.99
    . With its sharp writing, quick wit, lovable cast, and figment-chasing gameplay, 2005’s Psychonauts garnered a well-deserved following that only became more ravenous for even more Raz-powered adventures. Developer Double...
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