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  • Hades: Original Soundtrack 4xLP

    $ 89.99
    Escaping the Underworld is no easy task. Anyone who’s played Supergiant Games’ instant-classic roguelike, Hades, can attest to that; the game’s phenomenal combat, compelling character progression and sharp writing combine...
  • Transistor: Original Soundtrack 2xLP

    $ 42.99
    Long out of print, and now back by popular demand, we're pleased to offer this deluxe double LP set of Supergiant Games' award-winning original soundtrack by Darren Korb with vocals...
  • Gris 2xLP Vinyl Soundtrack

    $ 42.99
     To describe Gris as simply a game is to tell only a fraction of the story. This stunning debut from Barcelona’s Nomada Studio is a transcendent experience - an artistic odyssey through...
  • Persona 3 Vinyl Soundtrack 4xLP

    $ 100.00
    Over 25 years, Persona has done its share of experimentation, but it’s easy to point to Persona 3 as the title most pivotal to the musical evolution of the series....
  • Behind the Frame Vinyl Soundtrack

    $ 31.99
    Equal parts whimsical and contemplative, the music of developer Silver Lining Studio’s Behind the Frame paints a complete portrait of a young artist’s life, rife with its fair share of...
  • Behind The Frame (Playstation 4 Exclusive Edition)

    $ 29.99
    Starting a great work of art is tough enough, but finishing it? That’s the real challenge — and this notion lies at the heart of developer Silver Lining Studio’s Behind...
  • Etherborn (Nintendo Switch Physical Edition)

    $ 29.99
    $ 14.99
    Sir Issac Newton said it best: “Gravity is freakin’ weird!!” If only he could have played through Etherborn, a video game experience suggesting that perhaps, we should rethink the ways...
  • Etherborn (Playstation 4 Physical Edition)

    $ 29.99
    $ 14.99
    Sir Issac Newton said it best: “Gravity is freakin’ weird!!” If only he could have played through Etherborn, a video game experience suggesting that perhaps, we should rethink the ways...
  • Spinch LP Vinyl Soundtrack

    $ 29.99
    $ 14.99
    Let’s be real: Spinch (not “spinach” like autocorrect demands) is a really freakin’ weird game. It’s a bountiful bazaar of colorfulness and alien aesthetics, as if a Kool-Aid fever dream...
  • Annapurna Interactive Deluxe Limited Edition Collection (Nintendo Switch)

    $ 199.99
    Donut County Gorogoa Hindsight I Am Dead If Found... Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition Neon White Sayonara Wild Hearts Solar Ash The Artful Escape The Pathless What Remains of Edith...
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    Persona 4 Vinyl Soundtrack 4xLP

    $ 100.00
    Widely regarded as one of the greatest OSTs of all-time, iam8bit is absolutely thrilled to collaborate with Atlus to bring the sounds of Persona 4 to vinyl. In stark contrast...
  • Persona 5 Vinyl Soundtrack - The Essential Edition 4xLP

    $ 100.00
    . “The Persona 5 soundtrack makes every day feel cool” - The Verge Persona 5 is a massive and epic opus of a game - the kind of 100-hour-plus JRPG journey that it is...
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